Whether price gouging American patients and seniors, manipulating the patent system to hamper competition, or blaming others to evade responsibility for rising drug prices, Big Pharma is not to be trusted.

A recent CSRxP survey, conducted by Morning Consult, found a clear majority of the American people blame Big Pharma’s practices for the crisis of rising prescription drug prices:

It’s time for Congress to hold Big Pharma accountable.

Policymakers must stop Big Pharma’s abuse of the patent system, crack down on the anti-competitive tactics, and hold drug makers accountable for rising prices.

Patients deserve market-based solutions that will increase competition, boost transparency and stop the price gouging.


The American people also cannot afford a costly step backwards. The administration’s proposed Rebate Rule will slap America’s seniors with increased premiums, cost taxpayers nearly $200 billion and hand Big Pharma a more than $100 billion bailout.

The Rebate Rule gives Big Pharma greater control over drug prices. Their proven track record of price gouging shows that this would be bad news for patients struggling to afford their medications. Learn More. 


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