
May 2, 2024

CSRxP Biosimilar Competition Fact Sheet

Big Pharma deploys a full suite of tactics designed to game the U.S.

Dec 13, 2023

Fact Sheet: Big Pharma Brings Insulin Price-Gouging Playbook To Blockbuster Weight Loss Drugs

As 2023 comes to a close, one of the biggest stories in the drug pricing space

Nov 8, 2023

No Game

Nov 6, 2023


Sep 21, 2023

Fact Sheet: Patent Abuse

Big Pharma has a long history of price-gouging American patients

Sep 19, 2023

CSRxP Innovation Fact Sheet

For far too long Big Pharma has used the excuse that research and development

Aug 30, 2023

Root Cause

Aug 9, 2023

USA Voters Widely Support Legislation to Lower Rx Prices

Key findings from a recent nationwide survey show that voters decisively lay

May 30, 2023


May 3, 2023


Mar 27, 2023
