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CSRxP Launches Six-Figure, Multi-Phase Ad Campaign Targeted At Lawmakers Who Promised Lower Drug Prices
Nov 13, 2018
For Immediate Release
Contact: Lauren Blair
(201) 213-5004
[email protected]
Washington, D.C. – The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) today launched its first ad in a six-figure, multi-phase campaign to hold accountable the lawmakers who vowed to tackle out-of-control drug prices on the campaign trail.
The first ad, “Paul’s Letter,” features a patient living with diabetes, Paul, writing a letter to his Congressman about the rising price of his medication.
“Drug prices are going up. Every. Single. Day. It’s relentless, it’s price gouging,” Paul writes. “I needed insulin my entire life, but month after month, year after year, the price goes up – without any explanation. … In your campaign, you said you would act. You said you would do something about drug prices. Keep your commitment. Hold Big Pharma accountable.”
As Lauren Aronson, CSRxP executive director, said:
“Out-of-control drug prices was a prominent issue on the campaign trail. With President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi all committed to addressing this issue in 2019, Members of Congress have a rare bipartisan opportunity to convert their campaign promises into substantive action. This campaign is a reminder to lawmakers that real people are counting on them to keep their commitments.”
The campaign, entitled, “Commitment,” will run digital, television and print ads in the Beltway leading into the commencement of the new Congress.
To learn more about “Commitment” and to watch “Paul’s Letter,” click here.
About the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing
The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) is a broad-based coalition of leaders – physicians, nurses, hospitals, consumers, health plans, PBMs, pharmacists, and businesses – promoting bipartisan, market-based solutions to lower drug prices in America.