

Nov 4, 2019

Solutions to Reform Medicare Part D, Increase Competition and Boost Read More

New Study: Big Pharma Hikes Prices Without Improving Their Drugs

Oct 8, 2019

Unjustified Price Increases Cost Patients And Health Plans Billions Big Pharma Read More

Going Boldly To The Bottom: Poll Finds Opinion Of Big Pharma Hits Record Low

Sep 3, 2019

Americans Have Negative View of Drug Makers by Two-to-One Margin Read More

Big Pharma must be held accountable for insulin price crisis

Feb 23, 2019

By Sarah Gleich Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019 I have had diabetes since I was 5 Read More

RealClearHealth: Path Forward To Solving Out-Of-Control Drug Prices

Jan 31, 2019

Meaningful Reforms Have Already Taken Shape – Now It’s Up To Congress And Read More

Avik Roy Unveils “The Competition Prescription”

May 16, 2017

Read "The Competition Prescription," a new white paper by Avik Roy, President of Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity on how federal policy has artificially driven up the cost of prescription drugs, and market-based reforms to bring prices down. Read More

Improving the Prescription Drug Market through Transparency, Competition, and Value

Aug 3, 2016

"Patients with chronic conditions, such as Hepatitis C, benefit immensely when breakthrough, life-changing drugs provide a cure where none existed before. But when states are driven to create access limitations to that same drug for their Medicaid populations, we have to acknowledge something is not quite right here." Read More

How Do We Deal With Rising Drug Costs?

Apr 12, 2016

"There is no silver bullet here. We need to balance affordability, access and innovation whether or not Medicare is directly involved in price negotiations. We can only strike that balance when the market has transparency and competition, and purchasers can pay for value." Read More

Increasing Drug Prices Hurt Patients and Families

Mar 31, 2016

While it’s unconscionable that hedge fund pharmaceutical companies like Turing and Retrophin purchase treatments and suddenly raise prices, the current model in which drug companies raise prices year after year is just as bad for patients – and, frankly, unsustainable for our entire health care system. Read More

Rother: Caucus candidates must be advocates for affordable prescription drugs

Feb 18, 2016

Over the next few days, Nevadans of both political parties will caucus to choose their presidential nominee — the Democrats on Saturday, and Republicans on Tuesday in the first-of-the-West caucuses. As candidates travel the state in an effort to woo potential caucus-goers, there will be many public policy disagreements. Read More

Prescription drug costs are bigger problem than Martin Shkreli

Feb 4, 2016

Daraprim's price hike was outrageous. But prices on prescriptions that are more widely used also continue to climb. Since the beginning of January, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has raised prices on more than 100 of its prescription drugs, according to Reuters. Some of those drugs, like medicines used to help treat symptoms of menopause or combat seizures, went up by more than 20 percent. What’s more, Pfizer did not reduce the price of any prescriptions. Read More

GOP hopefuls, long quite on drug prices, begin to make some noise

Nov 10, 2015

Former neurosurgeon Ben Carson, in little-reported remarks made in Iowa and posted online by the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing, acknowledged as much. “As far as Big Pharma is concerned, you know, they’re in it to make money. And I understand that. But we need to have some alternative ways, because we need to be able to take care of our people,” Carson said. Read More