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Federation of American Hospitals Joins Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing
Oct 21, 2015
For Immediate Release
October 22, 2015
John Rother
[email protected]
Sean Brown
[email protected]
Federation of American Hospitals Joins Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing
The Federation of American Hospitals (FAH), the national representative of investor-owned or managed community hospitals and health systems throughout the United States, has joined the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP), a broad-based coalition committed to raising awareness about high drug prices and advancing positive, market-oriented solutions to the affordability crisis caused by astronomical drug pricing.
“The FAH is a strong and effective addition to the CSRxP team as we continue to focus on how to ensure patients get the medication they need at a reasonable and affordable cost,” John Rother, president of the National Coalition on Health Care and leader of the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing noted. “We can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines and watch exorbitant drug prices stand between patients and the breakthrough treatments they need and deserve. The FAH brings years of expertise and insight to the table and adds to the growing list of providers who see the need to address and confront this rapidly evolving issue. We look forward to working together in an effort to find a sustainable solution to astronomical drug pricing.”
“Just as consumers are feeling the unsustainable cost pressure on prescription medications, so are the hospitals that purchase these essential, lifesaving prescription drugs for our patients in our care,” said Chip Kahn, President and CEO of the Federation of American Hospitals. “The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing has brought together an impressive group of stakeholders and consumer groups. The FAH is proud to join this effort as we seek to shine a light on a developing issue and fight to make sure the patients our member’s serve can afford the medications they need.”
Exorbitant medication prices continue to strain consumers, public programs and our economy. Recent polling from Kaiser Family Foundation found that nearly three quarters of the public view prescription drug costs as unreasonable. And these costs show no sign of slowing down as a recent Avalere Health report found that 10 breakthrough drugs alone will cost three government programs nearly $50 billion over the next decade.
To learn more about the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing please visit www.csrxp.org.
The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) is a project of the National Coalition on Health Care, the oldest and most diverse group working to achieve comprehensive health system reform representing more than 80 participating organizations, including medical societies, businesses, unions, health care providers, faith-based associations, pension and health funds, insurers and groups representing consumers, patients, women, minorities and persons with disabilities. Member organizations collectively represent – as employees, members, or congregants – over 100 million Americans. CSRxP aims to spark a national dialogue about the need to find market-driven solutions to the problems caused by the onslaught of new high-priced prescription medicines. Follow CSRxP on Twitter.
The Federation of American Hospitals (FAH), founded in 1966, is the national representative of more than 1,000 investor-owned or managed community hospitals and health systems throughout the United States. Our members include hospitals in urban and rural America, as well as inpatient rehabilitation, psychiatric, long-term acute care, and cancer hospitals. Investor-owned hospitals serve their communities proudly while providing high-quality health care to their patients. Follow FAH on Twitter.