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CSRxP Statement on Nomination of Alex Azar to be Secretary of Health and Human Services
Nov 17, 2017
The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing released the following statement attributable to spokesman Will Holley on the nomination of Alex Azar:
“Out-of-control prescription drug prices are the number 1 domestic policy concern for American voters. And, while the FDA is working hard to address anticompetitive abuses by branded manufacturers, there remains much to be done both by the Administration and by Congress.
“We sincerely hope that Secretary-nominee Azar will follow through on the President’s commitment to achieve lower drug prices for all Americans. We look forward to working with him, once confirmed, to end anticompetitive practices that artificially inflate drug prices, restore a functioning prescription drug market, and rein in the exorbitant price hikes that harm patients, job creators, and taxpayers alike.”
About the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing
The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) is a broad-based coalition of leaders – physicians, nurses, hospitals, consumers, health plans, PBMs, pharmacists, and businesses – promoting bipartisan, market-based solutions to lower drug prices in America.