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CSRxP Rolls Out Latest Ad: “Priorities”
May 18, 2017
CSRxP Continues National Campaign to Hold
Big Pharma Accountable with New Ad: “Priorities”
The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing today released, “Priorities,” the second ad in CSRxP’s multi-million-dollar national campaign to hold Big Pharma accountable for its out-of-control prescription drug prices.
The ad debunks Big Pharma’s oft-cited claim that excessive price hikes are necessary to fund research and development. The truth is, 9 out of 10 of the biggest drug manufacturers in the United States spend more on advertising than they do on R&D.

It’s time for #BigPharma to get their priorities straight: American’s deserve open and honest prescription drug pricing.
As Avik Roy of the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity recently wrote , “proponents of high U.S. drug prices argue that high prices are necessary to support pharmaceutical innovation. But, with a modicum of scrutiny, the fatal flaws int his argument become immediately apparent.”
“Prescription drug prices are out of control and continue to rise at an unsustainable rate. It is time for Congress and the Administration to act on bipartisan, market-based solutions that promote competition, deliver affordable consumer choices, and give patients more control,” said CSRxP spokesman Will Holley.
CSRxP launched this nationwide campaign two weeks ago with “PriceGougi$ol” and on-the-ground, grassroots initiatives in states across the country to help patients, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, businesses, and taxpayers who feel the consequences of rising drug prices every day. They will tell their stories to the local media and their representatives in government.