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CSRxP Highlights Big Pharma’s Price Gouging Tactics With New Spot: “The Right”
Jun 19, 2017
CSRxP Highlights Big Pharma’s Price
Gouging Tactics With New Spot: “The Right”
Consumers feel the consequences of rising prescription drug prices every day. Whether it’s an outrageous price for a new product or an excessive increase for a drug that’s been on the market for years, Big Pharma’s price gouging makes it harder for families to access the medications they need.
Yesterday, bipartisan members of the Senate HELP Committee demanded answers and explored solutions. Today, the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing released its latest ad, “The Right,” to hold Big Pharma accountable for its out-of-control prescription drug prices.
“The Right” highlights examples of Big Pharma’s price-gouging tactics, such as Miacalcin’s 3,200% price hike, Daraprim’s 5,000% price hike, and doxycycline’s 9,000% price increase in just six months. These price hikes are part of a longstanding pattern that show no sign of slowing down – in fact, a recent report showed that there were more price hikes in the first quarter of 2017 than there were in the first quarter of 2016.
“It is clear from yesterday’s hearing that there is bipartisan agreement that prescription drug prices are causing real harm to Americans across the country. It is time for Congress to act on the bipartisan, market-based solutions that will stimulate competition, increase transparency, and ultimately rein in the unsustainable trajectory of prescription drug prices,” said CSRxP spokesman Will Holley.
CSRxP launched this nationwide campaign in early May with “PriceGougi$ol” and on-the-ground, grassroots initiatives in states across the country to help patients, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, businesses, and taxpayers who feel the consequences of rising drug prices every day. They will tell their stories to the local media and their representatives in government.