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CSRxP Calls for Further Action on Rx Prices
Jul 12, 2017
CSRxP Calls for
Further Action on Rx Prices
The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing released this statement from spokesman Will Holley following House passage of FDA user fee legislation:
“This legislation takes steps towards providing consumers with access to affordable prescription drugs, but these are only first steps and further legislative action is required to put an end to Big Pharma’s anticompetitive abuses that distort markets and drive up prices for consumers, taxpayers, and job creators.
“We encourage the House, Senate, and Administration to take to heart the Sense of Congress contained in this bill and act on bipartisan proposals such as the CREATES and FAST Generics Acts that will ‘increase competition in the pharmaceutical market, prevent anticompetitive behavior, and promote the timely availability of affordable, high-quality generic drugs and biosimilars.'”