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Association for Community Affiliated Plans Joins CSRxP
May 10, 2017
Association for Community
Affiliated Plans Joins CSRxP
Washington, D.C. – The Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing (CSRxP) announced that the Association for Community Affiliated Plans (ACAP) has joined the coalition as CSRxP’s newest member.
ACAP represents 60 not-for-profit Safety Net Health Plans that serve more than 17 million enrollees, which makes up nearly half of all individuals enrolled in Medicaid managed care plans.
ACAP joins a growing and broad-based coalition of organizations working in concert to rein in out-of-control prescription drug prices. CSRxP’s membership comprises the leaders of every major healthcare industry, including hospitals, physicians, nurses, consumers, PBMs, health plans, pharmacists, and businesses.
“The people served by ACAP’s members are among the most vulnerable to the out-of-control prices of prescription medications and they have first-hand experience with the effect that Big Pharma’s pricing policies have on real people every day,” said John Rother, Executive Director of CSRxP. “CSRxP is proud to have ACAP join this coalition.”
“Safety Net Health Plans have a responsibility to our patients, and to the taxpayers that support publicly-funded coverage programs, to allocate precious public health resources wisely,” said ACAP CEO Margaret A. Murray. “Prescription costs are the fastest-rising category in health care: it’s not just new therapies, but such common drugs as epi-pens. We’re proud to partner with CSRxP to advocate for commonsense drug pricing reforms.”